You have some really fascinating ideas going on. I like the new addition with voice acting and the fact you can now custom paint your soldier pretty freely. And of course, the classic music used such as rocket race really gives a nostalgic feeling to this series. The story makes a bit more sense as the aliens have a better motive other than just "prophecy" instead of needlessly trying to destroy Earth.
However, the weapon system is OP if you have something like the punisher, burster, or the nanomachines on deck it ranges from a 2 shot kill to instakill. And assuming you have something in your equipment or abilities to let you heal you could theoretically just keep a steady kill spree whilst you constantly heal and your enemies don't. Of course there can be the rare exception if they have the medical ability but that's unlikely since as stated the weapons are so powerful defensive abilities are basically null.
Speaking of which, the fact that there are no spots to heal unlike the previous Razes makes it very unfair-for you and the AI- ESPECIALLY when you have nanomachines or any of the weapons like vamp charger. The health also seems nerfed as well.
I feel like you knew this though as some missions such as sniper support in the human campaign and T-14 Terminator in the alien campaign are pretty difficult-but that is not because the enemies themselves are difficult. It's because you literally have to time your shot to kill every enemy. If you miss one you lose your 3 star rating.
Sorry to say this was a downgrade from Raze 2.