The script is classic Tankman. The beginning is choppy with Tankman landing. Is that just the style of animation? It doesn't affect my score since I'm not sure.
The script is classic Tankman. The beginning is choppy with Tankman landing. Is that just the style of animation? It doesn't affect my score since I'm not sure.
yeah i just tried to match straight up what utah did in the original series. so it does look a little choppy yeah
Cool. You could have sped up the backflip motion to sync with the sound though.
Very fluid animation. The design is pleasing and unique enough to look at. And the lines are delivered well. That being said it doesn't blow me away.
Got it. Thanks chief
Extremely fluid animation. May want to add some sound effects and voice acting though since this is a comedy. Even if it is just sound effects of the person beatboxing or something would add a good amount of comedic value.
Very fluid animation. It just needs some music and sound effects to add to the tone.
The tone is clear. The Sans cameo was cool. The end was confusing though-I mean we can only assume whether or not Goku was defeated by Sonic-at least in the blooper. It's definitely a classic style you are going for but nothing extraordinary.
It's very fluid. Since this is your first animation I'll give an extra half star. I would add some sound effects though. And in the very beginning we can see a box for Sonic. This adds an extra second of processing the animation so you may just want to start it off immediately with the close up instead.
I would also recommend starting off with the camera panned out or at least have both sprites in view so we already know what Sonic is running to-although that's just a preference.
thanks, I guess.
That's an interesting style you are going for. I like the static in the background-it really helps with the tone. A little bit of a nitpick (won't affect my score) at 3:01 when Patton ends her sentence she misses the word "has" making it so that anyone reading the subtitles whilst listening may be confused for a second thinking that it's a bit too fast. I know I was.
In her next sentence at 3:02 it sounds like she says "As much as" instead of "doesn't matter".
3:08 the delivery is too fast so I definitely couldn't understand what she said. You should try to have her enunciate more so it's understandable and we can have a better gauge of the emotion in her voice. It sounds like she is speeding through the script.
I'll give a 4 for the interesting style and fluid animation. However work on that delivery when voice acting. It's too fast at some parts and needs to convey better emotion to the audience.
Thanks for the feed back man! I’ll be sure to take you’re criticisms into account when making the next vid! Admittedly voice acting isn’t really my strong suit but I’m trying to get better at it
The animation is so smooth! I liked the marshmellow head character in the beginning. They looked so happy. I can appreciate what you were going for even though this isn't my cup of tea. The animation is detailed and the jokes are set up well. The music is also very complementary to the tone.
Age 23
Joined on 6/22/15