Awesome animation. I like the incorporation of elements of PVZ1 and 2, the slapstick humor and the iconic style staying true to their respected franchises. Awesome work!
Awesome animation. I like the incorporation of elements of PVZ1 and 2, the slapstick humor and the iconic style staying true to their respected franchises. Awesome work!
Hey thanks a lot dude!
The character is iconic and the animation is fine. You could add a better background-maybe some music and moving music notes with it?
well, at first i set the background green because thats the way everybody could use it to create a meme, o for the streamers when a fan donate and then she do the floss dance, has a lot of uses like this, idk, or maybe for a mod on a game.... to much uses with the green screen.
I appreciate how informative this is and your iconic style. Well done.
Much appreciated, pal. ROB was certainly a fun one to research!
Yet another informative video. I liked the moves synced with the lines.
Haha, marvelous. Thanks, chum! I find the moves synced with lines to be pretty satisfying, too!
That looked really cool. I liked the camera feedback like at 0:05 making this a bit more realistic and the middle finger was an endearing end.
Thank you.
Very informative as always and iconic style. Well done.
Much appreciated, pal. That's kicking off the year right! Haha
The designs are rather impressive and the sound effects are completely fine.
However the line delivery comes off as monotone, the music got me slightly interested, but as soon as the first line dropped, it took that interest away. The narrator was the first example of this. At the very least, he should sound bored (since that's what I think you were trying to go for?)
At 1:25 the line delivery should have been a bit louder even if it a whisper. And the sound effects sometimes vastly contrast with voice acting. I could see where you were going with 1:28, but honestly the music wasn't needed as music is more useful to set the tone of a big change and just walking to a library is minuscule compared to say-receiving an F at the school or before a fight breaks out. It would be more fit if she was feeling anxious, however I get "Let's get this over with..." vibes instead leaving it to be more dull if anything.
Overall this was fine, but lacks emotion throughout. As stated, I was impressed by the designs which is why you have an extra half star, but you didn't really catch my interest.
Thanks for the criitique. With the narrator I honestly just wanted them to sound excited? The narrator and the main actors are still just starting out so the delivery is what it is. My direction could also be better. Also yeah, I did my best on the sound desiign, so I can understand if some parts might be a bit louder than others, I'm still getting better at it. On the topic of the acting; being though that they are at a university for goth people the lack of enthusiasm might be fitting, might not. At 1:28 I purposely overexxxagerated the music to show how much Rebecca hates the situaton, how much it kills her inside, and also because I think jump cuts to mundane things are funny. One of the things I tried to communicate through the short is that Rebecca wants to be alone because of a situation that happened prior to the day before thats still fresh in her memory, but yet she still has to put up with beiing shown around. Thats why at the end she is shown crying. Not sure if my communiication could be better. Thank you for enjoying the designs, I hate designing things, so that's a nice compliment.
I love the animation, the fluid transitions, and especially the brain test animation as it was rather charming. I am unsure about whether or not the music was really necessary as it could have taken away from the tone. I heard the mask doesn't help you from contracting corona, you only wear it to prevent the disease to spread to others.
The lip sync could use some fine tuning, but this was still awesome! As I said, the music made me feel a bit conflicted on what to feel-perhaps due to the obvious contrasting qualities. Your story was rather enthralling.
Thank you for the constructive criticism! Tone was especially one of the most difficult things to work with in this video.
Age 23
Joined on 6/22/15