The music gives me immediate Deep Sleep vibes as does the design which perfectly sets the tone of the game. Excellent shadows and lighting. Simple character design and easy controls. And tricky puzzles!
The music gives me immediate Deep Sleep vibes as does the design which perfectly sets the tone of the game. Excellent shadows and lighting. Simple character design and easy controls. And tricky puzzles!
We really appreciate your feedback! Thank you so much!
Simple character design, okay background design, fine sound effects, easy controls, and an all around average premise. I would recommend music to add to the tone.
ok! will do!
Same critique as last time. The character design is unique, the background design is okay, and the attention to detail with the physics of the sprite is commendable. However, the floor problem is the same as last time and you could use some sound effects, but I noticed the improvements. You're close to three stars.
Yea, the collision is still wonky. I'm trying figure out how to fix it.
The character design really stands out with the colors, the background is easy on the eyes, the physics are impressive. Sound effects would really help out and perhaps some music. I would also address the glitchiness as the game play didn't feel that smooth. Sometimes the character would go through the floor as well. Not to mention there doesn't seem to be a way to win. Overall: This game has potential. But is missing fundamentals such as a music soundtrack, sound effects, and a sense of completion.
I can see that, and the collision could've been better indeed. So i've started to work on the game a tad bit more just to make it way better. Thanks for the suggestions!
It's a good attempt. Okay graphics, easy controls, catchy music, and average designs. However I didn't really know what I was doing. Furthermore, this could use some sound effects during gameplay. And a health bar for the player would be appreciated.
Thank you so much for taking part of your time to play and review our game!!! The health bar is at the upper left corner cx.
Catchy music, spectacular sound effects, simple controls, and classic designs for the character and background.
The "break the game" option certainly was different.
The barrier for what's tangible and what's not isn't clear, especially for the end where I sometimes mistake it for a trap and vice versa. For example, level 44 I couldn't tell where I could enter and where I couldn't. You should darken the lines for the places people can't enter. The invisible boxes were also a pain and the game was rather short.
Overall, the game was great, but seemed a bit too short. You have the fundamentals in this with the music, controls, and sound effects, but nothing really stood out. The levels seemed too short as I was done with the game within 5 minutes despite all the levels. Perhaps change some levels a bit, add new enemies and obstacles? I know this is suppose to be a simple game and the first game you made, so I understand that it's difficult to factor in extra elements.
I'm glad you liked it! I agree, making things more clear would be a good idea. I thought that it would be a bit more interesting to keep things a bit vague, but that was executed pretty poorly.
As for the length of the game, I know it's a short game. That was the goal, to not have something that big so that I could actually finish it. While it's not that long, I think this would be a good base to expand on, maybe remake in the future. I'll take your advice into consideration. Thanks!
I'm always impressed with visual novels that delve into the mind of a broken person dealing with their past. This is especially true as I easily relate to it. Magnificent character designs, beautiful backgrounds, emotional dialogue, clear character archetypes, and an overall fantastic job at the understanding of the development of the game as a whole. The endings were definitely realistic and greatly complemented the game.
Thank you for the kind words and for such a detailed review – really means a lot, genuinely!
This is a massive improvement right off the bat with the ember flames and introductory soundtrack. The physics feel a lot smoother and are an improvement from being too rag-doll like
I'll miss the body limbs flying off though. The music is making it SO much more engaging. It feels like a thrill. He seems to shoot in a specific direction so I can't control the angle he shoots at anymore which is rather annoying. And the game sometimes doesn't respond with when I tell him to shoot.
Overall, you made a lot of improvements, but some new problems are still present.
Thanks for your feedback!
After playing it too I have also encountered the problems you've listed. I am currently trying to find a way to fix them.
Thanks again!
Unique graphic quality and all around design. Clean transitions. Excellent music used and easy controls. Fantastic work on the sound effects and making it fun,
The menu should have some intro music as it felt monotone without it. You should also add some other modes when the game is finished.
Thanks a ton! Music in the intro sounds like a great idea and I'll add it asap. There are two other "Challenge" modes which are hardcore and rapidfire, do you think I should add even more? :)
This has a very PVZ aesthetic. The character and background design are average. The sound effects are correspondent to the tone of the game. The gameplay music is very jubilant. The backstory's are cool and I appreciate the effort in making them as it shows you had legit passion for the game instead of making "some game for fun".
The menu probably should have music. You could've given instructions before the game starts. You give a VERY tight space for winning the first level.
Overall: The game is alright, a good start, but, this is more like a demo as it only had 3 levels. Awesome job though!
Thank you for trying it out. Yes I should put some instructions and make the game easier...
And I really appreciate your kind words!
Age 23
Joined on 6/22/15