
Age 23

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EpikHellSword's News

Posted by EpikHellSword - December 1st, 2023

I usually don't but tried adding a pinch of salt this time just because. This was pre made ravioli btw. Other than tasting a bit more of the pasta and it being a bit dryer than if I didn't I didn't really see much of a difference. I did it before the water boiled btw.

What are your thoughts on adding salt to pasta water?


Posted by EpikHellSword - November 25th, 2023

The title is self explanatory. Whether it be artists like Jackson 5, New Edition, Lobuzy,, Paramore, Eric B. and Rakim, Prince, Larry Graham, Donny Hathaway, or whoever else I would like to hear about them. I'm looking for "new" music to listen to. Whether it be artist or genre. Although I do find many and I mean MANY artists everyday. I would like an artist that stands out from the typical sound of the generation the albums/songs that were made at that time.

With artistry I notice people who are critical of it tend to at the very least look for something in the art that reflects the artist. Obviously music is subjective. But I'm looking for a new voice-perhaps from a new genre or even an artist who challenges the typical structure of said genre. Again: I want an artist that stands out from their peers.

Any suggestions? And tell me why you like the artist/song. What about them make you want to go back to listen to them?


Posted by EpikHellSword - November 16th, 2023

I'm genuinely curious. I have lived in North America my whole life. But what is living in other countries like? What are the pros and cons? If I were to visit some in the winter or even in the coming Thanksgiving what are some good places to travel?

I ask because I don't want to just be exposed to North American culture my whole life. Of course you have to invest a lot of time into actually getting to know a country but I gotta know. I hear in the East (at least the EU) is a lot more liberal. Of course drugs may be a different story but idk.

Of course there is also Asian culture which is much more conservative than North American culture...but idk. I'm just thinking.

The point is I'm curious about how living in other countries is. How are they similar? How are they different? What are the pros and cons? How are the politics different? What about bedtimes? I hear in Germany you can't make noise from 10PM to 6-7AM or something. I'm pretty sure I gotta learn a language if I try something like the EU, Asia, Australia, etc.

I don't want to be boxed inside North American culture my whole life. I don't necessarily hate it but it feels so divided. Like you are so alone and maybe other countries aren't as lonely.

And things like credit cards and media seem so pushed here. Is it the same in other countries?

I know I focused on the EU in this post but that's because that's what I was "exposed" to in high school. At least the idea of the EU not being as bad as people try to make it. Even asking around some people tell me suicide bombers are common in the EU...but aren't shooters common in the US? And the Philippines? I mean if you get caught with drugs in the Philippines don't they shoot you dead?

I just want to experience the world and not be stuck in a bubble...I wish I did it when I was younger but...idk, I'm just always wondering now.

If anyone can tell me some pros and cons that they have observed (preferably someone that has lived in both the US and one other country) that would be great.


Posted by EpikHellSword - November 9th, 2023


So yeah that's a thing.


Posted by EpikHellSword - November 7th, 2023

I live with my mom and my sister just moved in as well. I'll try not to be lengthy but to quote MJ in order to express how I feel.


I do basically ALL the chores in the house (excluding paying taxes and arguably laundry. I say arguably because most of the time we do our own. If someone else tries to wash their own laundry idk how it turns out. If they try to wash mine they won't use enough soap).

I sweep the yards. The front takes at least 3 hours-then the backyard another hour. Before you ask me why I don't do it more often I do it every 2-3 days. I sure as hell ain't gonna try to do it daily.

Washing the dishes is okay only taking maybe 20-30 minutes including cleaning the sink.

Cooking takes maybe 1-2 hours-then again someone may just take what I cook so I may have to cook another meal taking another 1-2 hours.

Getting the mail can range from 10 minutes to 30 depending on if the mailbox lock wants to respond.

Cleaning the bathroom ranges from 1 hour to 2 hours including cleaning the bathtub/shower, toilet, floors, mirrors, and tables

Cleaning the kitchen is REALLY where my issue is where they're on my ass for "being messy" but honestly I clean up after them just as often as they do me. I try to sweep the kitchen floor after I wash dishes. And obviously throw away trash if it's there. A big problem I have is when someone like my grandma comes and "organizes". Although it is technically "clean" imo It's not organization if you can't find where the materials are. Or have to spend a lengthy amount of time looking for them.

Taking out the trash WOULD take 5-10 minutes if they didn't keep adding trash for me to take out every 5 minutes.

My own room is relatively easy because all I really have to do is make the bed, organize a desk, vacuum occasionally, and sort clothes (I'm basically a minimalist).

When I REALLY think about it. It's not even necessarily the chores themselves that are the issue.For example when someone else cooks It's the fact they keep requesting me to do shit for them that they can easily do like getting water bottles and lifting light things. And I mean light as in plates with no food on them.

Then they just complain to me about whatever or request me to do shit for them like I'm some slave.

Also when someone else does chores they half ass it or screw up big time somehow. For example my sister TRIED to wash dishes but that shit was dirty af when she put it away. ALL OF THE DISHES! Like Jesus Christ. I put it back into the sink and washed it myself because they still had tons of food stains.

Anyways, if I were to try to move out of the house. How would I do it and what should I do? I tried getting 3-4 jobs last summer but got rejected mainly because the jobs wouldn't answer me when I called back, they had too many applications, or I just wasn't a good fit. And the reason I didn't apply for more is because I couldn't find many I qualified for. So honestly. Any advice?

Anyways I'm just ranting and frustrated. So thanks for reading my post.



Posted by EpikHellSword - October 16th, 2023

Okay so I've seen this popped up before as a food and I am curious to what chicken marinated in yogurt tastes like. What yogurt is used? Chobani? Greek? Some other off brand?

How much is used? How do you cook it? What temperature? How long?



Posted by EpikHellSword - July 14th, 2023

I just got a fanny pack and I wonder how do I maintain the bag? I already searched up some YT videos but I still have questions.

Does anyone have step by step instructions they can give me? And I mean STEP BY STEP.

What do I need to clean it? How do I clean it? How often should I clean it? How much should I scrub if I use soap and water? Do I use warm water? How long should I spend cleaning? Do I Mr. Miyagi that shit?


How wet should it be whilst cleaning? Do I dry it with a towel or air dry it? I've read that some people put that shit in the washer. Personally I don't think putting something with a zipper is a good idea because I'm worried the teeth of the fanny pack will get caught. Do I even need to clean it? Or do I just make sure it is in a safe place? Should I just use alcohol swap?

Any advice on how to maintain it?


Posted by EpikHellSword - June 4th, 2023

Okay so I posted about this about a week ago but I guess no one bit so I'll send this out once again.

I have a discord server aimed for any and I mean ANY body who is interested in a community for martial arts. It doesn't matter if you are a no belt or a "black belt in 12 martial arts" or whatever. This discord server includes things such as videos of various stretches for your lower body to gain/maintain flexibility (these videos are not mine but are good videos from YT I personally use to help myself improve, tips for striking/grappling, tips for weapons training like swordsmanship, hema, batojutsu, etc.

I sent a link out a bit ago but apparently no one bit so ig I'll send it again for anyone who is interested.

As a disclaimer: I am still trying to figure out how to run this and what structure I want to use. HOWEVER I do have a general idea as I started setting this up last week. And as this server is TECHNICALLY for anyone just know I am still essentially still a "teen" mentally.

Link: https://discord.gg/RzGRpA6B



Posted by EpikHellSword - May 29th, 2023

So as the title says I seasoned/marinated these chicken drumsticks for 15 minutes because I've been reading a "shorter" marination is better.

The result?


Honestly it's not half bad. It almost tastes as if I did keep it in a marinate for an hour.


Posted by EpikHellSword - May 28th, 2023

The name speaks for itself. In this discord server I want to bring together any martial artists or even anyone who is INTERESTED in martial arts into one server. This is to build a community of martial artists, fighters, or anyone interested in martial arts where we can come together, showcase, discuss and improve on our own techniques. If anyone is interested please let me know.

Also, I don't have a name yet for the server however I do have a general idea of how I want the server to operate. If anyone has suggestions for the server name please let me know.

IMPORTANT WARNING: I imagine as this server develops may not be appropriate for people who are not adolescents due to the language that may be used though. That's not to discourage anyone from coming but just to let you guys know.

Link to the server: https://discord.gg/hSYNCkcK
