I live with my mom and my sister just moved in as well. I'll try not to be lengthy but to quote MJ in order to express how I feel.

I do basically ALL the chores in the house (excluding paying taxes and arguably laundry. I say arguably because most of the time we do our own. If someone else tries to wash their own laundry idk how it turns out. If they try to wash mine they won't use enough soap).
I sweep the yards. The front takes at least 3 hours-then the backyard another hour. Before you ask me why I don't do it more often I do it every 2-3 days. I sure as hell ain't gonna try to do it daily.
Washing the dishes is okay only taking maybe 20-30 minutes including cleaning the sink.
Cooking takes maybe 1-2 hours-then again someone may just take what I cook so I may have to cook another meal taking another 1-2 hours.
Getting the mail can range from 10 minutes to 30 depending on if the mailbox lock wants to respond.
Cleaning the bathroom ranges from 1 hour to 2 hours including cleaning the bathtub/shower, toilet, floors, mirrors, and tables
Cleaning the kitchen is REALLY where my issue is where they're on my ass for "being messy" but honestly I clean up after them just as often as they do me. I try to sweep the kitchen floor after I wash dishes. And obviously throw away trash if it's there. A big problem I have is when someone like my grandma comes and "organizes". Although it is technically "clean" imo It's not organization if you can't find where the materials are. Or have to spend a lengthy amount of time looking for them.
Taking out the trash WOULD take 5-10 minutes if they didn't keep adding trash for me to take out every 5 minutes.
My own room is relatively easy because all I really have to do is make the bed, organize a desk, vacuum occasionally, and sort clothes (I'm basically a minimalist).
When I REALLY think about it. It's not even necessarily the chores themselves that are the issue.For example when someone else cooks It's the fact they keep requesting me to do shit for them that they can easily do like getting water bottles and lifting light things. And I mean light as in plates with no food on them.
Then they just complain to me about whatever or request me to do shit for them like I'm some slave.
Also when someone else does chores they half ass it or screw up big time somehow. For example my sister TRIED to wash dishes but that shit was dirty af when she put it away. ALL OF THE DISHES! Like Jesus Christ. I put it back into the sink and washed it myself because they still had tons of food stains.
Anyways, if I were to try to move out of the house. How would I do it and what should I do? I tried getting 3-4 jobs last summer but got rejected mainly because the jobs wouldn't answer me when I called back, they had too many applications, or I just wasn't a good fit. And the reason I didn't apply for more is because I couldn't find many I qualified for. So honestly. Any advice?
Anyways I'm just ranting and frustrated. So thanks for reading my post.