
Age 23

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well, i have never went into the US, but i have lived my whole life in Brazil (i'm 24 years old), the pros is: nice weather, no nature attacks like earthquake, typhoon, hurricane, tsunami, etc, many kind people (they have their flaws but there are many great people here)
the cons: it's not a safe country, i don't recommend anyone come here, everything is expensive and bureaucratic (if you have money and if you're connect you can get many advantages many people won't be getting, but still things here are hard). Politics sucks. There is no legal way to a civilian hang around with a gun and having a gun here is expensive and bureaucratic so you gotta rely on the state for your security (by which suck)
It's an underdeveloped country so there ain't much opportunity to work like you have in america and the jobs won't be paying good there are the minimal wage by which is like a little less than $300 and many stuff like technology (computer, videogames, cars, etc) are way more expensive than if an american is buying
I have an animated series by which i show some of stuff of how it's like to live in brazil as well i made some posts about things that happens here

It's expensive af in the US as well. In fact according to livingcost.org "The average cost of living in Brazil ($723) is 70% less expensive than in the United States ($2434)."

Where I live there are homeless people everywhere and it's only rising. I'm lucky to be of upper middle class.

I'll give you the gun crimes since according to google Brazil has the most murders of any country.

To end on a more optimistic note Brazil does have some fine ass people though lol.

@EpikHellSword hehe, that's why you shouldn't just believe in media and on simply numbers like that, $723 googling it now is R$3546,97, never in my life i have got that income lol, i have had 2 jobs once and my income was like R$2100,00, it's actually hard to find a job that gives you the minimal wage properly here in brazil while i have met people who lives in america and can live like working 4 days at week. The cost of living may be less expensive than US in numbers, but here economy ain't doing well, the wheel of economy ain't spinning as good in the usa

The numbers aren't necessarily the point. I'm number illiterate tbh so I had little to no idea what I was reading lol.

The point is living in both is expensive af and since I still live with my mom I don't know how expensive it really is to live on your own. But I bet either way is very expensive.

Plus I'm upper middle class so I REALLY wouldn't know. As stated where I live there are a LOT of homeless and it is steadily rising.

And the people you met are the exception. There are a ton of people in US and it's still pretty difficult to find a job.

Then again whilst expenses it a major factor. I was moreso referring to just general living. Not necessarily just $.

I mean, you already answered the crime question so that sucks.

What about the culture? How often do people talk? Here in the US I personally don't seem to talk to people often. Also people tend to be rude or fake...although in my experience with people maybe that's just a general thing. Obviously that doesn't apply to everyone but a good number are.

Maybe it's just because I want to experience the world instead of being so boxed into the US. Then again I have so many health issues that can't be fixed sadly which affect my ability to see well and stuff.

I dunno. Just staying curious ig. I hear you can't truly know what it's like to live somewhere until you live there for a couple of years. I talked to a friend about it and they said something similar but stated "It's worse outside [of the US]".

But I wouldn't know. And how would they know?

Don't get me wrong money makes the world go round but money isn't everything.

@EpikHellSword yo, yeah you wouldn't know unless you live here, i have never went to US, but surely many things look better there, you know brazil is an UNDERDEVELOPED country, you said you have healthy issues if you were in brazil in my skin that would be a big problem cuz i don't have a health care lol, it's expensive as shit the cheapests i could find were all a significant % of my income.
The people here are more communicative, more sociable rather than you americans online, even online brazilians are more communicative than the americans, europeans, etc (besides some people like mexicans, but in general north americans and europeans aren't so sociable like brazilians and latins are), but it don't mean people here are all nice, some are backstabbing and snake in the grass so they can hurt you more than a introvert american hehe
yeah, money ain't everything but that's basically the main differnece the countries have, you know it's not like "oh brazilian people will be all better friends than american people", what we have are slight differences, country with better economy means less crimes, more healthy people, etc
There are a lot of hobos here too, specially in the city where i live, places we call here in brazil "crackland" (google that later "brazilian crackland") , as well places where there are a lot of junkies, hobos and crackheads (i know like 2 here in my city, used to work with a guy who had his place near one). I live in a good city, there are the "favelas" slums in places like Rio where there are many criminal activity, militia and such. There are places in the north and northeast (the redneck part of the country) where it looks like africa (google "brazilian northeast sertao"), i don't know if there are places that look like africa in usa but there are in brazil

To be honest: I'd rather live more simply in an underdeveloped country with people I know/love than in a developed country where everyone is so divided...then again I've never lived in an underdeveloped country...

And yeah everywhere has people who backstab but idk. I'm just thinking out loud.

It's interesting to keep that in mind. I just wish I had more experience in the world is all. I don't like thinking people are powerless. The thought of other countries came from high school where I saw a documentary comparing US to EU countries and it made me curious ever since.

And the longer I stay in the US the more I see just...isolation. Americans are so incentivized to chase "The American Dream". Dunno what that is. People are so obsessed with their dreams they can't appreciate what's in front of them. From what it sounds like Brazilians at least have each other. That's not to say I didn't read your post...I did and that must be difficult to be backstabbed...especially if you lose something because I assume it would be very important to you.

Ironic that US propaganda talks about helping those in need but they either never do or "democratize" it...even though the US is a constitutional republic-not a democracy...

My point is I don't know. There's so much I don't know about the world and I feel the best way to experience it would be to be there up close.

Hilarious we spend all this time on wars and lining our own pockets when all that time and resources could be spent helping others.

But I guess we're too stubborn as humans to do that. Different ideas, different beliefs, a sense of entitlement for every human...

It's odd so many people talk about love but no one knows how to express it.

That's why I want to travel someday anywhere and learn more about the world. I'm so shelled up in the US it's difficult to know.

And while you read this you're probably thinking about your poverty and the issues you face. Especially with healthcare...I hear in most of the EU healthcare is universal.

I don't know...I just want to know. I just wish to have more experiences in the world.

@EpikHellSword yo dude, people are basically the same everywhere, you look like an introvert person, there are many introvert people here in brazil with few friends, no girlfriend, etc, the problem is not outside in, but inside out, be sociable, talk with people, make friends, make allies, you look like an introvert even here in ng, it's the first time i have read one of your newsposts and still you're here since 2015 and just 10 newposts while i have been just 1 year and almost 300 newposts, all not brazilians are like that, i'm a guy who likes to talk with people, be sociable, make friends, make allies, probably that's exactly what lacks on you to be missing that human touch like that. If i change to USA today i would be like i'm here in brazil when it comes to be sociable, i plan to change to paraguay there are some brazilians who are doing good there, those sociable skills are very useful
hehe, also you sound introvert, introverts have many disadvantages in an underdeveloped country. I have met some american scared kittens those would be devoured alive in an underdeveloped country, have ever went to the gym? Here we gotta do real man work like loading and unloading a truck to receive less than the minimal wage. The brazilian girls likes the bad boys also

I dunno about being "introverted"...I talk to people when I can...although it is usually online.

I actually just learnt about all the things you can do in newgrounds back in 2019ish so that's one reason you don't see many newsposts from me post 2021. Another reason is that I don't just want to spam newsposts on my page without a reason.

Although you are right. I do lack human interaction. But I've been trying and it's hard to balance it.

I used to workout a lot 2017-2021 but since then I have just done some cardio and martial arts on my own...too bad I don't have a sparring partner that'd be nice.

Well my original point is still here though. You talked about Brazil which is helpful. I just want to know more about the world outside US.

I am in a CC and have met someone who lives in Spain...dunno. I think the Spanish guy I talked to had much more to talk about than anyone I've talked with the US about. Then again I'm just generalizing and that's not fair.

I skimmed through your posts and it looks like you post lots of stuff for fun. There's nothing wrong with that but if you notice my newsposts generally are about things I truly care about and aren't as recreational as yours.

And by that I mean I see lots of memes and artwork on your newsposts. Your posts are more lighthearted than mine. Again that's not a bad thing. It's just that I don't post memes or anything recreational that often. If anything my posts are narcissistic and are more aimed towards myself.

I dunno about sounding introvert though. I just don't talk unless there's a specific reason to talk to someone IRL.

Anyways, thanks for responding. Is there anything else you want to share with me?

@EpikHellSword yo, you gotta know how to deal with people, people likes the memes, the debauchery and people surely don't like big ass texts lol some like but they are true minority, also "narcissistic and are more aimed towards myself." people ain't too much into people that are "me me me me me it me that me did it me did that"

So in other words: Most people are too lazy to form meaningful connections. Anyways the text wasn't that big-only like 2-3 paragraphs if I put it together.

Dunno what you mean with that second part but from what I gather: narcissistic people aren't into narcissistic people?

Tbh you're confusing me. Explain in dumbass please?

@EpikHellSword yeah narcistic people ain't into narcisistic people

Alright well look man. Even if there are countries that are underdeveloped that's your deal. I'm just trying to learn more about the world by asking where to travel if I were to travel or even some information about other countries. Even if I don't live at these places if I travel there I may be able to get a better worldview.

To be honest it's hard to find a job in America too somehow. I tried applying to multiple jobs last summer, never got a call back, got rejected multiple times, etc.

Speaking of jobs if you've noticed Americans are obsessed with career. That/s our life. There's basically nothing else. If you get sick in America you're fucked. And even then almost every American has crippling debt. We don't really have a strong sense of family imo.

Speaking of which Americans are also obsessed with race, skin color, sexism, all that shit. Is that true in Brazil as well?

Americans think they can tell other countries what to do and "americanise" them. Of course talking trash about other countries probably happens in every country but actually going out of your way to force your political ideas to help people is bad nonetheless. I doubt Brazillians do that to other countries-at least at this point in time. Although feel free to correct me on that.

From what it sounds like you're saying appreciate what you got. I do but that doesn't mean you can't at least try to experience the world outside of your own.

It sounds like you're projecting your countries issues onto me just because I supposedly have a better life. But have you lived here? Because if you have then you can talk to me about that and even then it's just opinionated.

Isn't your health care universal? Here in North America it's not and if you don't have healthcare you're basically screwed.

And let's be honest your sense of community is much better in Brazil whilst America seems pretty isolated. Yeah you got gangs, drug addicts, and shit but that's in America too.

In America there has been an opioid epidemic for many years and it's only been increasing.

Oh and the US is much more in debt than Brazil

Yeah most Americans have technology but we don't really have strong social lives. Even if I was more extroverted which I have been trying to do people are too busy to even talk to one another here. What about Brazil?

My point is just because your personal experience is bad living in one country doesn't mean you should project that onto me. That sucks that you have to go through all of that but you're not me. You don't know my thoughts or experiences as a person. People are only try to see patterns and assuming based on those patterns because it's easier and that's what you are doing to me.

You talk about not liking big texts but that's because people generally don't like to listen. You aren't even listening to yourself because you're calling me narcissistic when you are literally being just as much as a narcissist by essentially flexing about how poor you are.

@EpikHellSword well i actually do good here in brazil, i live in one of the best cities here, but i know many people, i talk to my followers, "people are too busy to even talk to one another here. What about Brazil?" lol you guys are busy with your own careers and videogames, and new cars, here in brazil we are too busy getting less than a minimal wage, trying to buy a secondhand car, etc. "Isn't your health care universal?" yes it is, but it sucks, i only went 2 times one during the pandemic i have written that i'm allergic to a certain medication the doctor tried giving me guess what that exactly medication lol i had to correct the doctor, second time they didn't solve my problem i even thought i was going to die lol a had to solve it by other means, a friend of mine knows a doctor and she give me the right cure
you guys are in more debt but look at your gdp, brazil gdp in 2021 was like 1 trillion $ and USA was like 20 trillion $

"lol you guys are busy with your own careers and videogames, and new cars."

That's superficial and not even true. Most Americans are in stressed, debt fueled, depressed, starving, homeless, drug dependent and afraid just to name a few. Those "cars and video games" only apply for rich people and MAYBE some upper middle class folks as well.

"Here in brazil we are too busy getting less than a minimal wage."

Yeah and here in America we're too busy trying to even get a JOB. Unemployment is high and most companies are prejudice if you look too young or old. That's probably universal but my point still stands. At least you have a better chance to earn something by getting hired.

Tell me this: Isn't it better to at least HAVE healthcare instead of worrying about paying for it? Because here if you don't have money for healthcare you're not getting healthcare. Of course in life threatening situations there are exceptions for one or two cases. But for the most part: No $= You're screwed and are gonna die anyways.

And Brazil is bigger than the US so more supplies are needed.

US has maybe 333M people whilst Brazil has 215 million according to this website: https://www.worlddata.info/country-comparison.php?country1=BRA&country2=USA

Look man, I get it. It's difficult to live in the world especially with how different each country is. But those differences are exactly why I want to see it more. You're saying be more grateful but the main reason I want to travel is to experience the different cultures. Personally I'm not happy with American culture. Everything is lonely and everyone is afraid. And I don't mean by militias or criminals. I mean LITERALLY everyone is afraid of everyone.

If I traveled wouldn't I gain more knowledge about the world? All America has are citizens envious for each other and are trying to one up one another on a ladder or fear losing something valuable. Obsession with race, color, sex, crippling debt. Making work life 90%-95% of your life?

Aren't there any other cultures that don't make work basically their whole life? Don't you just enjoy spending time with your family in Brazil? You have such a unique culture compared to America. And would Brazil try to shove their culture down other countries throats when they "save" them?

Why would it be too much to ask to want to experience other cultures? I'm not asking for riches, fame, "video games", or "new cars".

I'm asking for a culture shock and new experiences. That's all.

Btw, I thought pressing "delete response" deletes my response to you. Not both of our responses...I didn't mean to do that to your response...