As the title states my birthday is on the 9th and I haven't achieved anything with my life. I am still in community college, keep failing making a resume/cover letter, am still struggling in school, and overall haven't progressed with my life...
Sure I have been achieving things outside of academics. I've learned some cool new boxing skills/combos, am currently practicing being a southpaw, made some maps for my favorite game and posted it, refined some techniques...that's about it.
I have really just been struggling to do basic algebra and played games in my free time and that makes me depressed.
Yeah I know I should be "doing more" and all that but...I feel disappointed...
I tried to at least set myself up to get a job but couldn't figure out how to write a resume or cover many templates and so little direction. I tried contacting the military to join but I don't know how far that will go. I just haven't done anything noteworthy this year and that makes me sad...
I have no direction and no where to go due to lack of qualifications...
I really hate the advice to just "hang in there" or someone's comments blaming me for my misfortunes. Yeah I know it's my fault-you don't have to rub it in.
I just want to know what I can do to change this predicament. I don't want to be stuck in the same place forever. And I doubt I can finish in a timely fact I'm way late on finishing already to begin with.,,
I just want to start my life-start a job or something...anyways thanks for listening to my rant.