As the title states my birthday is on the 9th and I haven't achieved anything with my life. I am still in community college, keep failing making a resume/cover letter, am still struggling in school, and overall haven't progressed with my life...
Sure I have been achieving things outside of academics. I've learned some cool new boxing skills/combos, am currently practicing being a southpaw, made some maps for my favorite game and posted it, refined some techniques...that's about it.
I have really just been struggling to do basic algebra and played games in my free time and that makes me depressed.
Yeah I know I should be "doing more" and all that but...I feel disappointed...
I tried to at least set myself up to get a job but couldn't figure out how to write a resume or cover many templates and so little direction. I tried contacting the military to join but I don't know how far that will go. I just haven't done anything noteworthy this year and that makes me sad...
I have no direction and no where to go due to lack of qualifications...
I really hate the advice to just "hang in there" or someone's comments blaming me for my misfortunes. Yeah I know it's my fault-you don't have to rub it in.
I just want to know what I can do to change this predicament. I don't want to be stuck in the same place forever. And I doubt I can finish in a timely fact I'm way late on finishing already to begin with.,,
I just want to start my life-start a job or something...anyways thanks for listening to my rant.
Hey pal, my advice is try to not use social media ( if you have one) or play video games (you could play from time to time but keep the screentime minimum) your attention span is the cause of hardly concentrating on your school work and try meditation. Focus only on achieving your goals. I know you can do it. I believe in you.
I mean...kind of. I don't really go on social media or if I do it's a couple minutes a day.
I *try* to pay attention but the work gets too difficult for me so I eventually quit and that's why I go play video games. However I also stay after class hours at school in the computer lab so I definitely cannot get distracted at that time. One of my classes is 5-6 hours so that's usually when I try to get work done-at least for one of them.
The other I am just bat shit confused. Which stinks because it is *very* basic math-at least for most people. Apparently not for me.
Meditation also causes me anxiety-I used to do it in high school and even tried it again pretty recently but it only really seems to worsen it. I *did* read that apparently it is part of yoga and there are multiple gates in it-meditation being the second to last and it could be why my anxiety worsens but idk.
And again: I at least want to set up a good resume. I have one but it's not that great and idk how to improve it. Honestly I been looking for *any* job for the past couple years. Since my major is related to healthcare but I also apparently need to be under an organization to legitimately work in the field I am in that's a problem.
Signing up for an organization has been tricky since in my field there are apparently only 3 legit ones and one hasn't really been receptive, one I have difficulty figuring out-of which I don't have any help with so far since it apparently is very specific, and the last is just...well also not receptive and from what I hear frankly terrible.
And transportation is an issue even if I do get an organization. Yes there *might* be a bus around where I am but I don't know how to use the bus since I never did before. I also cannot drive due to health issues.
Anyways thanks for listening. I guess I can just keep trying to craft a resume and go job hunting again. Hopefully I get one sometime this year.